
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Welcome everyone!

 Hello, so nice to see you again!

If you want to explore all the contents in the blog, you can use the labels onthe right column to go throught the different posts. 

I hope you enjoy, reflect and think carefully and with love the huge work done over here for the past months. Every little word was written down with conscience and enthusiasm. 

See you soon! Enjoy :)

Friday, January 15, 2021

1st WEEK


10th of November of 2020…

Today we start the second part of the course on ELT. Firstly, we have seen the guidelines of this new stage of ELT. The presentation was like a overview of what it is prepared four us for the next two months. I must admit that the idea of creating our own syllabus make me feel nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. It seems like a new challenge for me, but let’s be clear, is a new challenge of my path of becoming the best teacher I can be, so, I will achieve it with lots of enthusiasm, desire and creativity.

The next day, 11th of November, we spend the whole class talking and discovering about Bilingual Education & CLTL in Spain in within the European Framework. For example, we have seen the British Council programs, their mobility programs across Europe, etc. Their main idea about acquiring L2 is that it must be centred on children learning English as they have learned their mother tongue. That is why the methodology is learner centred, based on the direct method at first.

Another programme we have seen was the Madrid Community (CLIL) Bilingual Project. Here there are not native teachers but native assistants who are students. Personally, I do not like this because, even though the children would learn a proper accent, these person are not qualified to be a teacher, so maybe the methodology or approaches they might use could not be suitable or good for students to learn the language moreover the accent. But that is only my point of view. Another feature about this programme is that, at least, 1/3 of the classes the students have per week are English ones.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

2nd WEEK

The 12th of November of 2020 we spend the class watching some videos about the topic: Efficient Teacher. These are the videos mentioned:

·       Video 1. The Effective Teacher

·       Video 2. Effective Teaching in the 21st Century

·       Video 3. 7Cs of Effective Teaching

·       Video 4. Top 10 Qualities of an Effective Teacher

·       Video 5. Teaching in the 21st Century

These are some key ideas my group partner and I caught up while watching the five videos: (Aquí hacer la nube de palabras que vimos enc lase)

-      Personality

-      Specific knowledge

-      There are many factors that influence the practice.

-      Teacher’s role: believe in student’s potential.

-      Class environment.

-      Challenge

-      Respect differences.

-      Materials have to be useful and relevant, in summary, meaningful.

-      Students learn by discovering.

-      Group style and feedback.

-      Building bridges between students needs and curriculum.

-      Encourage social interaction.

-      Passionate.

-      Leadership: good role model.

-      Connected: collaboration with other teacher, parents, etc.

-      Organized

-      Flexible: Go with the flow

-      Dynamic

-      Aspirational

-      Ambitious

-      Empathic

-      Creative and diversity

-      Open minded, learn from experiences and learners.

-      Students can find information everywhere at anytime so the teachers roles as the only source of knowledge is obsoleted. We have to teach them tools to filter that information (critical mind).

-      For whom are they learning this? With which purpose? That’s how we have to structure our classes.

-      Lessons have to be relevant challenging engaging.

After all this, we came into this statement:

After watching the five videos we came with this list of the best qualities of an effective teacher, by our point of view:

Expert: She/he must have an specific knowledge of the topic is teaching. Is going to be the reference for tens of students, she/he needs to provide them with the best data.

Challenging: She/he needs to create an engaging envionrement that push students to get out of their comfort zone, explore, create and become the best person they can be.

Passionate and inspiring: As the teacher is going to be one of their main influences, she/he needs to believe in his/her students' potential and create experiences where they can prove their value.

Organized and flexible at the same time: The most effective teacher needs to have everything under control, planned and conscious decided. But, it also needs to take advantages of the opportunities the routine in class provides, like students doubts, weather situations, news of the day, etc. Everything is an opportunity to develop a new learning experience in class.

Empathic: There is no effective learning process if you can not connect with your students. If you create tight ties you will understand them and adapt better the teaching process to their needs.

Creative: To adapt better the classes and create an engaging envionrement you need to think out of the box. And at the same time you will reflect that open mind philosophy to them.


After watching and discussing the videos we end the class with this question: How do we connect objectives with activities?

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

3rd WEEK


The 16th of November we began the class with this question: What is Project Based Learning (PBL)? And this question will follow me for the next days, because we will have to prepared a PBL for next week about Thanksgiving.

PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. In Gold Standard PBL, projects are focused on student learning goals and include Essential Project Design Elements:

·       Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills - The project is focused on student learning goals, including standards-based content and skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, communication, collaboration, and self-management.

·       Challenging Problem or Question - The project is framed by a meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer, at the appropriate level of challenge.

·       Sustained Inquiry - Students engage in a rigorous, extended process of asking questions, finding resources, and applying information.

·       Authenticity - The project features real-world context, tasks and tools, quality standards, or impact – or speaks to students’ personal concerns, interests, and issues in their lives.

·       Student Voice & Choice - Students make some decisions about the project, including how they work and what they create.

·       Reflection - Students and teachers reflect on learning, the effectiveness of their inquiry and project activities, the quality of student work, obstacles and how to overcome them.

·       Critique & Revision - Students give, receive, and use feedback to improve their process and products.

·       Public Product - Students make their project work public by explaining, displaying and/or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.

About the PBL we have to prepare, we began with planning our initial question and is this one:

- How can we adapt and celebrate Thanksgiving this year with the pandemic situation?

With this question we can work the history and geography by discovering how thanksgiving actually works and how can we translate that into our Spanish society with the addition of the pandemic. 

The 17th of November we began the class by explaining our initial questions and receiving feedback and suggestions from out teacher. She suggested us to complicate a little bit more the question, to deep more in the history maybe, and connected with the actual situation. The question was not wrong, but it could be improved. So, we took notes about it and started thinking again on it.

Once we have seen all group’s questions, we continued discovering PBL. Today I have learned that it is essential to show why it is important to investigate and answer the initial question.

Also, it is important to have project management, it is to say, the tools to manage the project. On of the tools is time management, given information to students about the schedule of the lesson and the project itself is a way to help our students to complete the task and give them the autonomy and the capacity of manage their own time management.

But how do we manage to assure every student is working and achieving the goal settled? For example, by reading and reflecting on their portfolios.

And how will you check team progress? By the evaluation.

Once the project is done, it is necessary to talk about how it went, celebrate, and reflect.

And this is what we have done this same evening Ana Gonzalo and me. We are cooperating because both of us are following the same goal (creating a PBL about Thanksgiving) and for that we are planning and scheduling together but dividing the task in small pieces so both of us are in charged of some of them. It is to say, everything is done under a mutual consensus but in the praxis, we work individually to later on put everything in common.

For next day we agreed on having a general idea of PBL and Thanksgiving, just like if we were doing a flipped classroom with our work, so the next day we can meet on Teams with a general framework in our minds and start creating from there. So here are my notes on my PBL research:


  • ·       Make classes more engaging, avoid boredom.
  • ·       Deeper learning.
  • ·       Students learn to take initiative and responsibility.
  • ·       Solve problems.
  • ·       Work in teams.
  • ·       Communication in a variety of media.
  • ·       Make a difference in their community -> engage authentically with their community.
  • ·       Interdisciplinary.
  • ·       Help students to manage time -> they work independently.
  • ·       Explore real-world problems and challenges.


Two main questions have to be in our teacher mind to focused the project process and doing it in the right direction:

- Did the students master the context?

- Where they able to apply their knowledge and skills?

How a PBL must be done? -> Including students in planning. Also, students need to have a purpose and an audience beyond the teacher, classmates, or families.


1.       Whole group introduction to the session (10 minutes)

2.       Guided small-groups activities related to the units final project

Whole class review and reflection

 The next day, 18th of November we began with a need method, blended learning. To learn more about it we have watched the following video that explains very simple and practical what this method is about: (239) Blended learning & flipped classroom - YouTube

I was so confused about the difference between blended learning and flipped classroom because both features are so similar, but this video gave me the solution: flipped classroom is a type of blending learning. It changes the perspective of traditional classes. Now, students watch the lectures at home, which is more flexible to anyone’s process of learning, and at class they do tasks or activities related to the topic and under the eye of the teacher whose role is facilitator and open to everyone’s doubts and needs, so in the stage where students have more problems (Tasks) they are available to help and guide them to complete satisfactorily the translate of knowledge to practical skills and competences.

How do we integrate blended learning in our class? We can monitor groups, given them different activities. It is needed to use Bloom Taxonomy to schedule the lessons but always having in mind ZPD of Vygotsky, because you can not prepare a task if they are not able to understand that without your help. So, also, we need to prepare scaffolding activities to help in this case.

Some disadvantages of this method is that not every student has Internet access at home (that does not promote inclusive education). Another problem is that not every student has the enough autonomy to work alone efficiently without help.

Some advantages are that students become more prepared to control their learning process, their time management, the activities and topics are focused on their needs and desires, so it makes classes more engaging to them and with low affective filter.

As always, this method will be a success in some cases but not in all of them. We need to think first in our students, class environment, school and families context, and decide if this method could be available to be done without making too many challenges that finally end up in a big mess where students are going to be the most affected.


* WORK AT HOME… This evening my partner and I realize that our initial question was so simplistic that it could be much better if we give another try to our creativity’s minds. So, wondering between a lot of topics we came into the idea of changing it to: Why do we say “thank you”? Nevertheless, this one does not encompass all our ideas or all the stages that would lead into the final product or goal of the project. So we think about if there could be two initial questions. The second one will be: How can we say “thank you” in our neighbourhood?

Both questions will involve history and civic education. For history we thought that, like in the origin of Thanksgiving tradition, we need to thank life for having essential thinks like food, so the aim of the project is to make our students concerned about what they can do (for example, share food with others) to help them as well as they are thanking life for having it. The purpose is to know the history of Thanksgiving and enhance civic conscious.


Next day, the 19th of November, we began the class by bombing our teacher with different doubts about the projects. I asked Dolores about the doubt of yesterday, and yes! We can have an initial question that can be divided progressively in sub questions.

Another notes I noted down from classmates’ doubts where the following ones:

-      Create worksheets to reference the information they have been discovering.

-      Subdivided the project in little tasks. So they can use the previous information to different tasks.

-      Related activities to the researches they have done so we can see the progression.

-      Invite someone outside the class.

-      We have to be very systematic so students can achieve mechanic actions and thinking resources like when you are driving and you know how to drive, you do not think every action, you just do it.

-      We go to receptive to productive skills. First, they have to understand before creating (speaking and writing).

-      While we are listening or reading they are active, they are focusing their attention in the input, for example, highlighting key words.



Content – Communication – Cognition – Culture – Competences



To avoid using L1, listening tasks are the best option, but the work has to be progressive. If we do not pre-active their prior knowledge this aim is going to be very difficult.

·       Bottom up: Use synonims, explanation, point out, use flashcards, etc.

·       Top-down: use familiar situations, routines, providing context, ask them questions.


Quote of the day: “Change perspective: teachers do not know everything, they know lots of things.”

Monday, January 11, 2021

4rd WEEK


Today is the 23th of November, the coldest day of this course, at least, that seems to me. To accompany this cold day, there is not better topic that fits more with this weather… Today we are going to focus on reading skills and strategies.

First of all, we have to share our personal experiences from when we began reading in English. I can not remember how I started reading in my foreign language. I think it was something implicit during the progress of the lessons. Once we started reading in our mother tongue, I suppose, English teachers began given us reading activities in class to read ou loud and practise, but I can not remember reading an English book until the very last ending of high school, and it was The Catcher in the Rye.

Reading involves cultural context. The reader will decode the information and would interpretate it by his/her point of view, the social background she/he has, previous experiences and their personality.


1.       Part-centered approach: It is related with Bottom up in listening skills. It involves phonics and sight words. From learning the parts of the text to isolated words or concepts.

Whole Language approach: It is related with Top-down in listening skills. From understanding a part to the whole text. 

As a teacher, we have to have a bank of resources to adapt to every situation. Every situation is different. Also, adding writing tasks emphasizes better the understanding of reading.

Reading needs to involve real purpose to promote it.

Effective readers use strategies to understand what they read before, during and after reding. Students can be taught to be strategic and effective readers. These strategies are not available to be applicable in all cases. We need to use it progressively and depending the level.

Today is the 24th of November and it is a really cold day to be fair. Today we begin the lesson by listening to a video explanation of phonics called Jolly Phonics songs in correct order! Letters and sounds ((242) Jolly Phonics Songs in correct order! Letters and Sounds - YouTube). It was quite cute as well as useful. It makes me wonder if I could use it at my private lessons, even though my student is 8 years old, because it is a funny and engaging way to practise sounds that he does not acquired yet. This video includes actions too that are integrated in the sounds, words, etc, it is TPR.

Music is a perfect way to start a class. We can also make it a routine in our daily lesson process.

Later on we get into the topic of phonics and word families. It is important, as lesson management, to see first vowel and consonant sounds and then we connect it to phrases and sentences to integrate them into a context. Some tools we can use to make this are:

·       Shound chart: connect a concept with the sound. This is a powerful tool to help students to learn to read.

·       Games: These ones can be played in small groups to promote cooperative learning. Some examples are: In-a-Row game or the bingo. We can fin ideas like these ones in StarFall (Learn to Read with Phonics | Starfall Education). It is important to combine online resources with common and traditional ones like books. You can buy or create them, maybe with Arts&Crafts teacher to promote teamwork between teachers too.

We keep on the lesson by overviewing some books suggestions from Dolores’ library to have an example of all the materials we can have at hand to practise reading. As a teacher, we have to provide as many opportunities to practise and fail as we can, students need that space of try and fail with comfort.

Unless we try these tools, we won’t know if they are useful to us.

To the question that appeared in class of what should we do if our students make phonics mistakes we came into an agreement on instead of being always correcting our students’ speeches we could do remedial activities to solve the different problems that show up in class before it becomes a language disaster. Maybe we can begin with group activities and if we detect a specific problem with a determinate phonic for example or with a individual student, we give them a specific activity.

Another strategy could be Cecilia’s proposal of “Oh, you meant…” to expose the correct phonic without a high level of affective filter. By Dolores point of view immediate correction does not always work, we need to work it afterwards but not in the immediate time. While talking they are not listening to you, they are only hearing. It is a progressive long term, so we need to focus our attention is giving them the information during the process. If we not correct errors, they will fossilized into mistakes.

To finish todays lesson, we have seen another topic related with the previous one: Writing skills. In essence, we need to connect writing and reading activities to improve both skills. While writing students show their personalities and it is an engaging way to motivate them too. Also, we can not ask them to write just out of the blue without any previous preparation. It is something we need to work on progressively.


Today is the 25th of November, and for this class we will be working alone. My classmate and I decided to planned what each of us has to prepare for the project (divided the project in different tasks and each of us do some of them). At the end of the supposed class, more less at 10 a.m. we decided to connect on Teams to share what we have done, fix some problems on the planning and set the final tasks that are needed to be done so we can finish the project. 


 This is our project, from Group 2 (Ana Gonzalo Díaz, and myself). 



For our project, we have decided that the context of our classroom is going to be in a bilingual school, in 4th grade of Primary School. 


The project is going to be developed in 7 sessions, two days a week in a total of 4 weeks. We want it to be very engaging to the children, so we have decided to do this project only two days a week, the Thursdays and Fridays, so they end the week in a very intense way. 

The outcome of the project is to understand what Thanksgiving is and why it happens. The different objectives that we are going to work with are:

·       Develop empathy with their environment. 

·       Apply their knowledge in TICs. 

·       Develop civic awareness and ethical values.

 We have decided to work with two questions instead of only one because we think that in that way we can concrete more on the topic. Those two questions are:

·       Why do they say “Thank you”? With this question, we pretend to look for the origins of Thanksgiving, what they do on Thanksgiving day, etc. 

·       How can we say “Thank you” in our neighbourhood?


With this question we want them to be aware of their privileges. Also, we want them to understand that not everybody is under the same circumstances, and some people do not have the same privileges that we have. We want to bring Thanksgiving Day to Spain but not as we know it. 

Schedule of our project



·       Introduction day: assign the roles to the students and explain the project. 


·       Researching days (Why do they say “Thank you”?): the students would have different resources to do researching and understand what Thanksgiving is and its story. 


·       Discussion (How can we say “Thank you” in our neighbourhood?): the whole class would discuss what they are thankful about and answer the question that we propose. 


·       In search of associations days: the students would have to look for the different associations that there are in the neighbourhood and decide with which associations are they going to collaborate. Those days, the other half of the classroom would do the different boxes in which the students of the school would leave their donations. Also, the students would take advantage of the radio studio that they have in the school to promote their initiative. 


·       Thanksgiving day: this day the students would carry the donations to the associations that they have decided to work with. 

DAY 5th of November - Introduction Day.


·       Main goal of this lesson: work individually extracting information from a text.


This day is very important because everything has to be clear for the students. The question “Why do they say Thank You in the USA?” would be in the big blackboard so the students could start thinking about it at the start of the lesson. 

There would be a brainstorming to make sure that the students actually know what Thanksgiving is and what people in the USA do on this day. The teacher role in this first-class is to guide the students making questions about what they already know about Thanksgiving Day. The students are going to be very active in answering the questions. 

The teacher would also show them a video of the Macy’s Parade to the children, so they know a little more about Thanksgiving Day. 

After the brainstorming, the students would be divided into groups. Each group would have a topic and would work in it. The different topics are going to be: 


·       Who are the Wampanoag and what relation do they have with Thanksgiving?

·       What was the Mayflower and what people were in it?

·       Who were Samoset and Squanto? 

·       Who was Massasoit and what relation does he have with a feast?

·       Is Thanksgiving the same for Native Americans?


The different topics would be written down in papers, and one of each group would stand up to catch one without looking. 

When they have the topics, we are going to give them a text (https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/history/first-thanksgiving/) which is going to be read by the language assistant. The text is going to be for them to work with it. 

After the reading, individually, they are going to start looking for information in the text about their topics and writing the main ideas in a sheet. 


DAY 6th of November - Start the research.

·       Goal of this lesson: work in groups and assume the roles. 

This day they would have to continue with the research that they started the past lesson. Firstly in the lesson, they are going to sit by groups and compare the information they have extracted from the text read the day before. They would decide before they start working, what different role is going to assume each member of the group (facilitator, proposal, supporter, critic and recorder).

After they have decided the roles, they are going to put in common the information that they have extracted from the text. The next step is to decide what else they need to look for to make their work more complete. They would have access to the Internet and to encyclopedias in which they can find the information they are looking for. 

Also, one of the assistants of the school would be in class helping with the English doubts and also answering questions about her own experience on Thanksgiving Day. 

While the children are working, the teacher is going to be watching them work and taking notes about their behaviour to write it down then in the rubrica that she/he is going to have to evaluate the children. 

The children do not have to do a huge writing in which they explain all the information that they have found. The main idea is that they understand their topics perfectly and assume their roles. 

Taking advantage that this day they have to go to the TIC classroom, the TIC teacher in the school is going to show them how to use “Powtoon”, an easy way of doing presentations and videos. 

For the next day, they would have to prepare a presentation about the information that they have about their topics, so in that way the rest of the group can better understand the history of Thanksgiving Day.


DAY 12th of November - Cineforum.

·       Goal of this lesson: relate the different topics and finish answering the question “Why do they say “Thank you” in the USA?”

This day is the last day about this first question: Why do they say “Thank you” in the USA?

The whole lesson would consist of the presentations of the Powtoons that they should have done in their houses. The first minutes they would have time to talk with their mates about the different ideas they think that are necessary to be mentioned in the presentations. 

After that, the presentations would start. The teacher would decide the order in a convenient way, so the children can understand better and follow the information they are receiving. 

After each presentation, there would be a round of questions if there is any question they have. In this round of questions, the teacher can help the students to answer if they do not have all the information clear. 

The last minutes of the lesson, there would be a discussion of the relation between the topics. The teacher would be a guide for them to understand that every topic has relation between each other. 

The last part of the lesson is going to be the last reading about the text they work with the first lesson, so now they understand it better with all the information together. 


DAY 13th of November - Discussion session.

·       Goal of the lesson: Review all the information seen in the previous sessions and dive into the concept of being thankful. 

Since this day, we are going to begin a new stage of this project. To assure every student has already a framework of culture and history of Thanksgiving, as well as key vocabulary words from it, we are going to approach the next question that would guide the next and final sessions: How can we say thank you in our close environment? 

If it is needed, in the first 10 minutes we will do a Kahoot with some key concepts, key vocabulary words and contents they have researched last week, so they refresh the data and finish the understanding and acquiring process of the history. 

Once we have this assured, we will sit all together on the floor, in a circle and we will do an assembly session. There will be music in the background to create a comfortable and low affective filter sensation in the students.

The main idea of this lesson is to discuss (focusing on speaking) on some philosophical and moral concepts. We will start with a question, and in silence, maybe in two-three minutes, the students must answer in a paper sheet. 

·       For what are you thankful about?

Once they all have written it down, the teacher will be guiding the conversation between the answers so everyone can participate, can open their hearts and minds and feel the protagonist of the lesson.  We can commission a student to write down in the blackboard the most repeated answers.

The next questions to relate what they are thankful about to the final product of the project would be: 

·       How can we thank others?

If the class and the discussion allow us, we can get deeper on the topic and try to answer all together questions like: What means to be thankful? What is to thank? Do we have to thank others? Just if the group shows interest in it. 

With the last question, How can we thank others? The main objective is to guide the group to the next session, what can we do (and this is the aim of the project) to show our thanks to others. Can we do something in our neighbourhood to show how thankful we are for what we have been talking about in this class? Who are the people that will be more excited about receiving our gratitude and help? Is it satisfactory to share our happiness in what we have got with others? Does it make us better people? Does it make us feel better with ourselves? 

We will finish the lesson with a storytelling part (10-15 minutes) from a book-related with the topic. To help students to understand better the story as well as improving the learning of Thanksgiving vocabulary, we will create a word wall with key words that are important to know or that they might do not know. For that, the children would write down in a paper those words they did not understand and we will write down in the blackboard to work them later (maybe with direct translation or explaining it to them with synonyms or explanations in L2).

This lesson apparently doesn't work on anything about English, but it is not true. We are working speaking, listening and writing skills. They are also all the time receiving sounds inputs, as well as producing outputs themselves, which means using the language for a real purpose, communication with others in order to participate in a big discussion with their equals. Also, we are practising vocabulary, grammar tenses, maybe some idioms, pronunciation, intonation and conversation strategies and skills. 

Day 19th of November - In search of our association!

·       Goal of the lesson: Find the association to collaborate with. 

For this session we will work together with the TIC teacher. We will use both sessions that are consecutive in the schedule. We will start in the TIC classroom. For today’s lesson we need to find and set the association, ONG, etc. we are going to help in order to fulfill our Thanksgiving aim. The previous day we will have told them to ask at home for some charity causes that might be working at the moment in the city, or some charitable associations that their families or friends know that would be grateful for receiving our help. 

So, to begin the class we will do a brainstorming and write in the blackboard those names they have brought and simultaneously search it on the Internet so we can all see the information and pictures of it. Once they are all said and debated, they will divide in groups of 4-5. Also, all of them will have roles to assure the efficient work of the group (as well as they learn how to manage the varied tasks, practise group management, group communication and consensus). The teacher would give each group a new association and they should find information about it:

·       Banco de alimentos

·       ACNUR

·       Save the children

·       A project from a near church

·       A neighbourhood association

To collect all the information they would fill the next template in order to register the essential information of it:

They would have to do a research of it (with TIC’s teacher help and strategies, she/he will have a monitor role) to find more offers that would interest us. Ourself would have a facilitator role, we will stand there for doubts, taking notes of the group work process and the information they are collecting, always active for them if they need us but not interfering in their work so we promote autonomy. In order to do this, we will also put in the big whiteboard a clock with a countdown of 40 minutes. That is the time in which they have to search all the information. This is a way to make them conscious of the time they have to do the work and personally manage the time-work as an individual person and as a group. 

When the time is over, they would have to give the teacher the template filled and they will all sit around the whiteboard. The teachers would search for that association so it can be projected and everyone can see it. The group in charge of it would give a brief speech of the work they do and the project in which we can be involved. Once they are all exposed, they will have 5 minutes to think and vote for the best option or the one they most like. As it is going to be a group decision, the one chosen would be the most voted. When they say out loud which is their decision they would have to argue why. We will write on the blackboard this guide sentences to help them:

·       I consider this project the best one because… 

·       Also it is important that…

·       I like that…

·       We could help them by….

Also it is important to decide how we are going to contribute (for example, collecting food, toys, a performance, etc) so the goal is clear and decided by all in consensus.

Once the association is chosen we will tell them the next steps of this project journey. The teacher will contact the association and once they told her how to participate she will tell them and the next day we will start preparing everything. 


Day 20th of November - We get going!

Goal of the session: get everything prepared, work in small groups and as big class group.

Once the project is decided this day would be devoted to prepare all the materials and schedule the process of recollecting and giving our gratitude. As this is going to be unexpected because the students are going to be the ones who decide who and what we are going to give to help, we can only schedule the lesson from a general point of view. It could be adaptable to whatever situation.

The main idea is to work in collaboration with the Arts & Craft and TIC teacher. We are going to prepare the class in four sections or corners and in groups, the students would be spending 20 minutes in each corner to participate in all the tasks needed to get our project done.

·       FIRST CORNER. The painting corner: Here they will be working with the Arts & Craft teacher and will prepare some boxes to collect all the objects we are going to give to our elected association. The paperboard boxes can be painted with Thanksgiving elements for example.

·       SECOND CORNER. The advertising corner: In this corner we will be heading the activity. The aim is to write altogether their advertising speech that after will record. As a teacher, we will guide them in the writing process but, as always, monitoring and not interfering. 

·       THIRD CORNER. The radio corner: We will use the radio project of the school to spread our advertisement for all the education community to let them know what we are going to do and explain to them how they can participate if they want. Here we will be the TIC teacher with the material needed, recording their voices. 

·       FOURTH CORNER. The poster corner. Here the group has to create a poster made with a board, pencils, crayons, collage photos, etc. to put all over the school to advise everyone and promote the participation of everyone.

For this penultimate session we will be using two hours of class, using one of the teachers involved in the activity. 


Day 26th of November - THANKSGIVING DAY!

Today we will do the excursion to the association decided to give out what we have collected! If it is needed, we will take hours from other lessons so they can experience it calmly. The main point of this day is to make them take an active part in the final stage of the project. As it has been student centered, it is really important that they are the protagonist of the thankful action. To make them aware of all the work done in the process, of all the reflections about being thankful, of helping others who need us, it is essential that they go out to the association they have decided and give them what they have collected as well as talking to them and personally say thank you for the reason they want. 

Maybe in this session they will not use L2, but I think the main reason here is not only the language we are teaching but the values and civic competences they are showing out. Teaching shouldn’t be only focused on contents, but in helping to create better citizens of this world.



As you can see during these seven sessions we have worked four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) at the same time, as well as vocabulary and grammar tenses adequate for their level. Although the main objective was not the language itself but the civic and social competence and awareness as well as the historical knowledge. The language was the vehicule to get to the outcome. They have worked with different subjects, using different skills and learning without even knowing, because their goal was not to learn contents but to create something they were committed to.